Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
285 Dale St. N Saint Paul, MN 55103
(651) 227-8295
A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Saint Paul Area Synod
Redeemer is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation

All Are Welcome
Faithfully Rooted in the Word,
Joyfully Reverent in Worship,
Gratefully Present in the World.
Letter of Welcome
Welcome to the website for Lutheran Church of the Redeemer. We are a community of faith which has been serving Christ in mission in the city of St. Paul for over 125 years. Founded in 1890, we have been located on the corner of Dale Street and Carroll Avenue in the historic Rondo neighborhood of St. Paul since 1911.
Our Mission Statement:
St. Paul wrote: There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28, NRSV)
Each and every person is a child of God. Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, therefore, strives to be genuinely welcoming to all people. The diversity of Redeemer’s family enriches us greatly, and we invite you to share this heritage with us.
We welcome you without regard to culture, ethnicity, skin color, physical or mental ability, age, family situation, refugee or immigrant status, economic status, or social standing. As a Reconciling in Christ congregation we welcome you without regard to sexual orientation or gender identity.
We invite you to join us in worshiping God, growing with us in the love of Christ Jesus and working with us to do God’s will. Together we shall realize God’s reconciling deeds among us.
Who We Are
Worship is at the heart of all that we do, when we gather as a community of faith on Sunday mornings, and are sent out into the world to do justice and love our neighbor, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
We invite the whole community to share our facility, as well as share our space with Awaken Community, Vail Communities, African American Survivor Services, and Narcotics Anonymous support groups who gather and meet at Redeemer to do their work.
But most of all, we welcome you to visit us, and explore our community of faith. If you are looking for a church home, a place where your faith will be challenged and nurtured, we invite you to come worship with us on Sunday mornings. You will be warmly greeted and welcomed!
Peace in Christ.
Pastor James Erlandson​​
We worship in-person as well as streaming to our YouTube channel.
You can view worship services HERE.
Worship Service begins at 8:45am.
We Welcome Awaken Community, who now shares this facility for worship, education, fellowship, and service.

Holy Eucharist each Sunday
at 8:45 a.m.
Coffee Fellowship follows worship
at 9:45 a.m.

Church Calendar